As I was studying covenant I noticed something very interesting about the God’s promises. It may just be my viewpoint but it seems like Abraham was God’s preparation for sending his son. One of the things I admire about the story of Abraham is faith in a deity that choose him while everyone else was worshiping more popular deities.
He stepped out in faith in so many areas, especially in trusting the voice that spoke to him. So much faith in this choice he was willing to sacrifice his only son to obtain a promise. His step of faith was out of pure obedience. With a very limited track record of God’s power and might, Abraham was without doubt the best example of blind faith.
The funny things about this story of faith are the missteps yet the abundant blessings. The other thing that fascinated me this read through was how God told Abraham to get away from his country, family and friends so he could receive the promise/covenant.
It blesses me to no end to think about the character of Abraham. Here is a man who was a shining example for his lineage. Abraham, one who sought God with complete abandonment of old beliefs and practices. The only act that could be perceived as disobedience was allow Lot to come along.
I don’t know about anyone else but this gave me a great deal of peace. God confirmed that even when I am operating in any form of disobedience he will still be there with outstretched hands giving me another opportunity to follow his words to the letter.
What I love about God in this instance is he knew Abraham and he knew his love for his nephew, so in order to get Abraham in the position to be the father of many nations Lot had to go. God allowed the herdsmen to quibble because he knew his servant would do the right things this time.
Can you imagine loving someone and then God telling you to walk away from them. I’m not talking about a friend, but a blood relative. Abraham eventually had to let Lot go, but I can just imagine the inner struggle. Heck I’ve had to do this and it is not easy. I feel like mine was more difficult because it was my child I was told to walk away from. Holding fast to the fact that my obedience weighs more than the sacrifice of stepping away from being a safety net for my son.
This brings me back to covenant, more specifically the marriage covenant. I’ve never been married and many may not agree with this, but what I’ve come to understand is a covenant is for life. No matter what occurs with the individuals the covenant is not something the laws of man should regulate.
Matthew19:6 and Mark 10:9 are both very clear that when a marriage occurs there should be nothing to separate the bond of the two. “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”
If only someone was teaching more on how to be committed, practice self-restraint and the damage infidelity has on a spirit. I hear so often people say they married their best friend. Well I know the relationship I have with my best friend and I would never intentionally do anything to hurt her. I know that we are open and honest about everything. I hurt when she hurts and visa versa.
Our society has become so consumed with self-gratification, easy surrender to temptation and lower moral standards. I used to say when I wed it's til death do us part, even if I have to kill him. It breaks my heart when I hear about marriages are ending in divorce or a friend tells me about infidelity. It seems to me that when your stand in front of friends and family and take vows of marriage it should be taken seriously.
I’ve known and vowed since I was a child I only wanted to marry once and for life, perhaps this is why I’ve not done it. I’ve been out there and have been approached by married men and almost gave in to the attraction. The first question I ask is how would you feel if a man did this to your daughter, sister or mother?
All I know is when I do say “I do!” I will. I’ve not been a person of many means, but the one thing I have is my word, so I do my best to keep that. Well I’ve been so immersed in this study and have so much more to share. Time to grow Tuesday. Smooches~~