What a fantastic Birthday I had!!! Now I feel like a complete fool for the short lived pity party I had. It let me know that I should have more faith in the people I have in my life. The truth is I was feeling so homesick going through some of my pictures and my heart aches for the family get-togethers. I know I am loved and am grateful for the woman I have become. Simply because I sometimes allow my heart to rule my head and this was one of those times. I left an opening for the enemy to get me when my head was on vacation. Hummm… wonder if I can count this as a mid-life crisis…LOL
I’m fully aware that I’m on a path of development. It is because I trust him to fulfill the promises he made to me thru the prophetic word of someone I love, admire and have faith in his relationship with Christ. See, I know like I know, like I know Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” I also believe that God sends people into our lives that he knows we will receive instruction or blessing from.
More and more I am learning to stop looking for an immediate fulfillment of a promise, “But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” James 1:4. I may not have all the aspects of the plan God has for me and I may not like the current circumstances, but I have developed my mustard seed faith. I can finally rest assured that God has most of me under control and there is really no need for me to lose control, or tears or focus just because I can’t see the entire plan.
It is like I am on that wonderful street paved with gold but there are different barricades along the way. It is the testing of my faith and my commitment to God. I love the lord and I know I am more flawed than I care to admit, but I can finally say I am well on my way. More so in my spiritual growth as opposed to my emotional growth. I can still be a brat at times!
So, I just want to thank God for another year! Not too much of what I’ve been studying to share this time. I’ve come to realize some lessons are more personal than instructional. I learned a long time ago what I’m studying is for me first and hopefully whomever reads it gets something out of it. A teacher must first be taught before they can teach. Teachable Tuesday!! Smooches~~