Thursday, December 25, 2014

My Gift!

It seems only appropriate to give all Praise and Honor to Jesus today, after all this day is supposed to be about his birth. As I celebrated with friends yesterday, I realized once again this season is all about the opening of our hearts and spreading those feelings on to the ones who share our lives.

More than sharing, giving, receiving, and eating goodies. More than singing the traditional Christmas Carols. This is a day set aside to give extra thanks to the one who gives me hope and life.  The one thing I feel led to share is this:
Jesus is not in the Manger
Jesus is not on the Cross
Jesus is alive in my heart, mind and soul and I do my best to share all that He’s blessed me to share. I don’t have great financial wealth, but I have exceedingly above amounts of Love and compassion!
As I watched the sun come up, I found myself singing, not a Christmas Carol, but “We Acknowledge You” by Karen Clark-Sheard. It was as I was dipping my tea bag, I accepted fully why I’m here. My ministry is to share all the spirit endows in the words of knowledge.

I’m not here to tickle the ears, I’m here to shift the mind sets and bring about a change in the lives of those who want to know more. I love the Lord with all my heart and it is this love that allows me to open more and more to his voice and the knowledge He gives.

Allowing my mind to drift to the tests which have become many testimonies of hope, faith and love, I find a deeper Love of God for me. When I think about this love it makes taking steps of faith even easier. It makes me want not just more of Him, but to be more like Him every day.

One thing I’ve become used to is this is not an easy task. My heart goes out to those who have dedicated their lives to spreading the Gospel, the sacrifices they must make, and the ridicule they withstand.

Some think the confession of faith means all of a sudden you are to be flawless, but the truth is the flaws make us more useful to God. The demonstration of God using the foolish to confound those who believe themselves to be wise. Those who judge everything by a barometer only they are in possession of and a platform they themselves can’t even measure up to.

It used to bother me when I’d make a human error and the harsh voices saying, “Well just what kind of Christian are you?” My answer to those who feel I’m not able to make mistakes or succumbed to my flesh because of my bold proclamation of faith of an unseen God – I was born in sin and shaped in iniquity, but I press towards being a better human being and sharing the lessons I’ve learned as I strive to be more like the Savior I follow.

When I proclaim I’m a Christian it is not to boast or brag, not to be held up to a different standard, but to do all I can to overcome my weaknesses and my flaws. Not even to strive for perfection because I know there is none perfect but the father.  Submitting my whole self to a Life giving God who has kept me here to fulfill my purpose in giving him my first fruits and my complete love and devotion, even in the midst of my pain, sin and moments of diminished faith.

I want to encourage everyone to keep running the race and hold fast your profession because only He can and will judge your end! To that end, I wish everyone a Glorious and Merry Christmas! Smooches~~

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