Sunday, December 20, 2015

Maybe, no more...Possible,Yes!

I refuse to be fearful of the wars and rumors of wars, because God warned us this would come. I for one will remain focused and unmovable in what God has for me to do. To remain strong in my faith, although it may be just a mustard, it is enough for me to trust Ps 91:10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

For years I refused to read the last book of the bible because it seemed to be filled with a horrible ending to what I thought I cherished. I thought this life was important and for long time my only goal was to prove my mother wrong about who she said I was and was not going to be.

I was blessed to be able to hear her change the words she spoke over me as a child. Believe me this was such a remarkable moment for me, it just hurt it was as she was dying before I was healed of some of the deep wounds she had inflected upon me as a child.

Forgiveness was never an issue because no matter how she treated or felt about me, my love for her was greater than the pain. What I didn’t understand at the time was all she had done was strengthen my resolve to prove those words to be lies. I wanted her to love and be proud of me.

So I pushed past the hurt the best way I knew how, which wasn’t always with the best tools. In my efforts to prove I was worthy of love, trustworthy, and would amount to something, the Lord called me out of the hole and changed my thoughts towards words spoken into my life.

While I studied this week I kept hearing the word maybe. Then I asked what is that all about! I know maybe means there’s possibility. I know even if the word is split into two words it still means there’s possibility. So I let it marinate through the week and then this morning I got a word that maybe no more! I got confirmation that it will be. In my lifetime I will see the blessing of my Lord and Savior!

I do not fear the prophetic words of John, but I look forward to them because I have faith that God sees me the way he created me to be and the last days will not be a worry for me because Jesus is returning for me soon! To take me to the best dwelling place where I will spend eternity at His feet in worship.

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