Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Delayed, but not forgotten!

Due to all my technical issues, this was actually supposed to be posted on the first.

 Last night was a hard one.  I had so much on my mind and heart.  The thoughts of the things not going well was weighing on me I could barely sleep.  My usual quiet time was LOUD because of my crying out for relief. So many things I am trying to understand about this walk.

One thing I will never have is the mind of God.  When I finally got quiet I felt in my spirit God was reminding me the cares of this life were not my concern.  The burdens I was carrying were of my own volition.  I picked these things up because I want them fixed.

For years I’ve said and had said to me “God will never put more on you than you can bear.” For the first time in all my years of claiming to be a Christian, I get it.  The things I’m carrying are because either I grew weary in waiting or felt God hadn’t heard my prayers.  I’m, unfortunately, a problem solver and my frustrations comes when I alone can’t fix the problem and God is taking more time than I want or think I need.

It used to irk me when people would tell me “It’s all in God’s timing, not yours.”.  Another downside to the marvelous age of technology, is wanting instant answers and instant fixes.  I have even said at times I think God needs to have my watch cause His timing is out of whack.  Especially, when it was the eleventh hour and my problem had overtaken me.  My knees couldn’t even withstand the pressure.