Monday, December 22, 2014

Not My Battle!

As the holiday approaches I’m still fighting to keep my tears at bay. It’s not easy to go into a holiday set aside to give Glory for the birth of my Savior when there is so much in the news about the still ever present racial divide on this earth.
The hardest thing about recent events is I believe in my heart the issue of race will never be eradicated. It is in the news here in the US every day, but there are issues in other countries as well.
I’ve searched and searched for an answer as to why there are specific races or religious groups feel supreme. Being African American makes me feel like Justice is just not for us all the time. I’ve been really silent about all these recent events and maybe have been in denial just a little. Maybe because I’ve been blessed to have not been touched so often by racism.
The part about all of this is the lack of unity of religious groups. The fault lies hundreds of years ago when men used religion to imprison, to start wars and to control.  Historically, the biggest culprit of bastardizing the word is the Catholic Church. The early Popes concern was not about spreading love and teaching of God, but of keeping people under their thumb, gaining wealth and notoriety.
It isn’t a surprise oppression brought out rebellion and birthed scholars like Martin Luther and john Calvin bringing forth anger and causing a divide. The beginning of discord began well before the idea of religion even came into play. If the truth be told Cain and Able were the start of men becoming enemy with one another.
The root of the enmity in most cases is the based in jealousy and covetousness. Wars fought because one man or group don’t want another to supersede them. The results were wars and battles were riches, but not the intention of the battle. Since my goal is to speak truth and to so that truth through the word.
It could be said the divide became greater when Nimrod, a great hunter before God, began to believe he was a great or greater than God, Deuteronomy 10:9. It was his actions that caused God to be angered to the point all language became confounded.
The Philistines because of one man Goliath, felt superior because of his size. He taunted and bullied the Israelites and a war was being fought. This wasn’t ever a fair fight for the Israelites, but they stood their ground and God proved to men that size doesn’t mean victory.
The one thing I’ve found to be prevalent throughout the word is the one thing the devil has been successful at doing; causing division, separation and strife with God’s creation. The devil didn’t stop there and he gained a foothold from the very beginning when he caused Eve to take from the tree of knowledge.  God told Satan because of this act and his jealousy, Genesis 3:17 there would always be strife. It seems to me the devil took it one step further and by the looks of things he has been successful. Our world is full of bigotry, racial divide, hate, hopelessness, hostility and greed.
All of this has cause tremendous doubt in there being a God. One thing I have faith in is that God is in control. I’ve heard time and time again, there is nothing new under the sun and God changes not Hebrews 13:8.
So I don’t have to get all worked up about things God is taking care of. These things will continue and probably get worse before it gets better, but this is not my battle and my job in this mess is to pray. To believe with all my heart Isaiah 57:17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.
I may feel the sorrows of the events occurring around me, but I have faith no matter what happens; 2Corinthians 10:3-5.  For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
 So to be obedient and follow the instructions I’ve been given, I am praying without ceasing and trusting this battle will be as God has planned. Made up mind Monday! Smooches~~

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