Thursday, January 1, 2015


Bringing in the year with snow on the ground and I’m drawing a blank. 2014 wasn’t horrible. As a matter of fact it was better than the previous five. So gratefully, I emerge into 2015 recovered, renewed and ready.

As I reminisced through 2014’s experiences it occurred to me, I passed more tests than I realized I had endured. As I do end of every year I go over my budget to see how far I veered. As I was doing it I could hear where you spend the most is where your real love is.  Glancing at my expenses and my income I got a good early morning laugh. The testing of my finances brought about a lot more faith in provisions because I was still in the black. For those who deal in finances you want to be running in the black.

It made me know beyond a doubt, this chick has matured!! I won’t sit here and say I’ve reach some pinnacle of spiritual awareness and puff my feathers, but truth is I’m extremely proud of my spiritual growth. I promised myself when I first left Michigan I would harbor no regrets.

Waking into 2015 I give thanks to God with a new song! Oh, how many year beginnings did I shout that same thing and usually a few days later have my head hanging to the ground?  Well, my year has already starting out with a physical challenge I’d rather not have to contend with.  The irritation of not having a vehicle for now six years was high when the challenge was presented; immediately I asked for strength to do what is required. I look at it this way, either the pain will be tolerable, or pain meds will be provided or God will heal my physical malady.

I’m proud of my commitment to keeping my faith level greater than a mustard seed. This is not a time for me to trust in sayings, but to build my faith and try my best to do as prescribed.  “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”  1 Corinthians 10:31. We’ve all used to encourage others saying things like ‘if he brought you to it, he’ll bring you through it’. Well if anyone said that to me a few days ago there could have been some ouches shouted.

Being tired of something will somehow give you a strange determination. It makes me think maybe that is how David felt when he stood ready to fight Goliath. Tired of being bothered by the same thing over and over again; pestered like having a fly buzzing around your head. Annoyed doesn’t even truly describe and it makes me think about R.Kelly’s song, “When a Woman’s Fed Up”.  The untapped source of strength burst through like water from a broken pipe.

As I was praying in the New Year is was like my mind was a movie screen and I was shown all that was being prepared for me in 2015.  The vision was like watching my list of hopes being checked off month after month. My heart and mind calmed in the peace of restoration and recovery. Knowing God loves me enough to finally open up a door to more knowledge of Him. I’m not afraid to admit sometimes I’m bold enough to tell God his ways can frustrate me to no end. I know I’m probably the only one who has shouted to God they were sick of waiting for the right on time!

I rejoice in the confirmations of the vision that came all day long yesterday. All I could think of is trusting God is frustrating to my flesh, but my spirit is soaring on wings of eagles and ready for a year of walking in the latter rain with no umbrella or boots. I pray a brighter revelation of Jesus for those seeking him. I pray a New Year of renewed hope; vivid dreams and spiritual broadening. Happy 2015!!! My year of fulfilling my dream! Thrilled to be following Christ Thursday! Smooches~~

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