Thursday, February 26, 2015

Time Out Over

Finally finished all the decorations for my friend’s bridal shower. It was so much fun and a nice break from using the frontal lobe. The only thing about me and being creative I tend to keep working until a project is complete; so staying up until three or four am has been my norm for the last two weeks. Now, I’ll get back to my normal sleeping pattern and back to trying to keep my focus.

My dreams have been very interesting and kind of comical. This morning I actually woke up laughing. I can’t quite understand them and nothing stands out. The only constant are the various praise songs that I’m singing. I’m thinking some of that is due to the fact my first Pastor and Wife recently celebrated their anniversary in ministry.

I wished I could have been there to celebrate this couple who have had such a profound impact in my life. I love and respect them so much! The relationship I had with them was much deeper than any I’ve had in any church leadership since. This experience was the beginning of my heart and soul being healed. The knowledge sprinkled with love and acceptance have stayed with me.

My Commission and I always refer back to something he preached or taught that assisted us after we moved on. Even with all the other drama that went on within that family, we walked away with a deepened knowledge and footing in walking with God. The love and admiration I have for them is without ceasing. I will always think of them as my family and pray one day to go back home and be a part of HOP again.

Well one other good thing occurred this week, I had an interview for a fulltime job. I think it went well, but no word yet. I’m praying it comes through so I can began, once again, to play catch up on my debts and reduce my stress level. Although I’m glad for my relationship with God, I’ve been rather peaceful under this financial disturbance I’m facing.

Well I’m exhausted and am going to call it a night. Looking forward to getting into my studying and worship time in the morning. Tired Thursday. Smooches~~

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