Thursday, February 12, 2015

Young, Gifted and Serving A MIGHTY GOD!!!

Well, all I can say today is I am grateful and truly in a spirit of forgiveness. I had such a wonderful day speaking to relatives I haven’t seen since I was a little girl. I’m grateful for social media and being able to reminisce about good times from my past. To be reminded of how far I’ve come despite the hardships endured.

I’m often my biggest critic. Yesterday, some of my family reached out to me and I’m so glad to be back in touch with the maternal side of my family. It makes me feel that much more love for my mother!! I miss her every day and often wish when I’m writing I could bounce ideas off of her. She was such a beautiful, awesome, and brilliant woman; traits I’m grateful to have inherited.

It was a conversation with one of my cousins that I was reminded of just how truly blessed I am. It made me cry to think about my outburst because of a minor disappointment. When I reviewed all the wonderful talents God has bestowed on and in me all I can do is shake my head and wiggle my finger at my reflection in the mirror.

I woke this morning with a renewed praise and worship for what I have. To be used by God is all I desire and to share how good God is. I’m blessed to have people in my life that were concerned about my emotional state. All I know is I’m back and in full effect. Devil watch your back cause I am coming after you with all I have!!

God has shown me in this disappointment that he has something greater than I was hoping for. Showed me how to not allow this disappointment to stop MY APPOINTMENT! I’m called, but when I answered I had not really counting the cost. Now I see very clearly my weak areas and will do everything I can to remember to keep my shield of faith and my breastplate straight. It’s crazy how I was so easily distracted from my purpose, even if it was for a few days; that was too long.

All night as I slept I was singing in my dreams and when I woke, “Lord you are Awesome”. I couldn’t get the song off my lips. It’s brought on more tears, but tears of joy and thankfulness. It may seem like a minor thing, but I received a request from someone I would never thought would notice little ole me or my blog. What a blessing and what God whispered in my ear was I told you to hold on! Well If I can’t do anything else, I give God all the praise and glory.

I love him more and more every day!! I love how he sends me little signs that he has heard my cries and is working things out for my good so HE can get all the glory. Well get ready, my friends cause His glory is all I want to shout to the world.

Proudly, I say what a blessing it is to be young, gifted and serving a MIGHTY GOD!!! Now it is time for me to get back to deepening my knowledge of the Word. To offer to those who desire to know more all I’m blessed to discern in my studies. The side trip is debunked, I’m showing up for duty and full of renewed purpose!! Turned around Thursday!! Smooches~~

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